Monday, December 17, 2012

A World Of Elves, Dwarves, Wizards, Hobbits And The Like - My "The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey" Review

J.R.R.Tolkien is one of the most popular fictional authors out there. Although he might not know it since he has long been dead, it seems that his genius isn't. I have heard about his books after watching The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. I know, I know, I should have read them earlier than that but I just didn't have the time to do so. Now, that The Hobbit is out, I find myself drawn to the books once more although this time I am determined to read at least one or two. This is why I don't think I will be able to give the movie enough justice by writing a detailed review of it since I am not a hardcore fan which means I can't really compare the movie from the book. Forgive me for that but I will try to the best that I can. Hopefully, I won't mess up this time as I don't want many fans to get angry at me.


Anyway, as you all know, the story of "The Hobbit" is about the journey of a young hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. If you were able to see the first Lord Of The Rings, he was Frodo (Elijah Wood)'s
uncle who initially had the ring which was passed down to Frodo in a quest to destroy it. In the movie, Bilbo was reluctant to leave his home, The Shire, as he believes that he is quite happy there. That was until he met Gandalf The Grey who somehow picked him as his companion for his next adventure. Unknown to Bilbo, Gandalf already had a quest in store for him and 13 dwarves of Erebor. Despite refusing his offer, he found himself stuck in middle of a rowdy group of dwarves as they ate everything he had. He didn't like company and wasn't pleased with what Gandalf had done.

The dwarves' quest was to recover their lost kingdom, Erebor, which was found in the Lonely Mountain. During this time, the history of Erebor was shown. The dwarves recalled it while Bilbo tried to imagine it. From a once thriving kingdom, Erebor succumbed to a darkness that engulfed the land. The arrival of one of the last dragons of Middle Earth, Smaug, was unexpected. Due to the greed of the once proud King of Erebor who was Thorin Oakenshield's grandfather, the heir to the throne and the leader of the dwarf party. In their quest to Erebor, they needed members. Aside from the already fierce dwarves, the party included Gandalf as their wizard and supposedly, Bilbo as their burglar. Since he was smaller than the dwarves, he was considered to be one since he could sneak into places without being seen. Bilbo was unsure of himself. He hesitated at first but after thinking things through, he left his home and set on an adventure to the world outside The Shire.

Outside, the peace loving Baggins found himself in a world where he seemed like he did not belong but Gandalf convinced him that he did, somehow, someway. Their journey to the wild took them to treacherous lands swarming with Goblins and Orcs, as well as deadly Wargs, Giant Spiders, Shapeshifters and Sorcerers. In this movie, we also get to know one more of the 5 wizards of Middle Earth. His name is Radagast The Brown. He is the wizard of the wood. As their party try to get away from the orcs sent by Thorin's nemesis, The Pale Orc, Radagast stalls them but in the end, Gandalf led them to the path to Rivendell.Because of what happened between the dwarves and the elves back in the day in Erebor, the dwarves now resented the elves, without even giving them the benefit of the doubt especially since not all of them belong to the same kingdom after all. The dwarves of Erebor bore a grudge over the Mirkwood elves under the rule of their Elven King, King Thranduil, who is actually Legolas' father. Luckily, Prince Legolas and Gimli became friends in the LOTR Trilogy which somehow made the alliance between the two races more solid especially since both of them had a common friend in the form of Aragorn.

The Elves of Rivendell headed by Lord Elrond, Arwen's father, received them but was concerned about their sudden arrival and their purpose there. As always, Gandalf knows his way around the elves. Unfortunately, after Elrond translated the map that needed to be translated, Elrond wanted to know the real reason behind their quest for Erebor. He knew of the dangers especially involving the dragon, Smaug, alarmed, he told Gandalf that he needed to talk to two other people about it. One is Saruman who is the leader of the order of wizards and lastly, Lady Galadriel, the queen of Lothlorien. During the council meeting, it seemed like Galadriel and Gandalf had a connection which made me think if they were involved romantically but I knew there were complication as she was the wife of Celeborn. Luckily through further research, I found out that since Gandalf has lived long in Middle Earth and in another world named Valinor before that, he and Galadriel might have been acquainted which is why they showed such familiarity towards one another. Honestly, I don't think there is something going on between them and aren't elves supposed to be that way? While in the council meeting, the dwarves flee to continue their quest leaving Gandalf behind. They knew he would catch up eventually.

Probably one of my most favorite scenes came next. As they hiked through the rocky and misty mountains, they found themselves stuck in a storm. Unfortunately for them, the mountain that they walked on were actually Stone Giants who all fought to each other leaving the party to be divided into two. As I held my breath to see who lived or died, I realized that all of them survived but barely. They went inside a cave which they sought out to be their temporary dwelling. As Bilbo was about to escape them, they find themselves falling to the goblin tunnels and being carried away by the creatures who dwelled there. Bilbo was wise enough to not be taken away but was not lucky enough to escape as one goblin lunged for him. Deep in the dark and murky Goblin Kingdom lies a creature who was once a hobbit but became a cursed and hideous fiend. His name was once Smeagol but now, it was Gollum. Corrupted by the ring, he became obsessed with it. If you have seen the LOTR trilogy then you know who I am talking about.

Seeing him in action with his expressions and dialogues made me cringe once more. Truthfully, Andy Serkis does a great job playing him. It is just that the character itself is too creepy for me.Bilbo encounters this fiend accidentally as he falls down a pit while trying to fight a goblin. Luckily, he was given an elven blade to fend himself off.Unlike Frodo from the early LOTR trilogy, despite his lack in formal training, Bilbo was able to use his somehow. One of the most interesting yet creepy moments was Bilbo's game of riddles in the dark with Smeagol. I honestly, don't want to be in that predicament. He found himself trying to flee the creature as he accidentally stole its' ring. Gandalf saves the day as he storms through the goblin tunnels freeing the dwarves. Their escape from the tunnel was amusing to watch especially after seeing Gandalf multi-classing once again. Yep, a wizard with a staff and a sword. How convenient! AS their battle ensued, so did Bilbo's. He escaped Gollum only to accidentally wear the ring and know of its' power. They get out of the tunnels alive but the ring that was in Bilbo's possession doesn't go unnoticed by Gandalf although doesn't mention anything about it.

After their escape from danger, they found themselves facing another once more. For the pale orc, Azog, has found them. Thorin knew he had to face him but somehow he was no match for him. Bilbo who knew he had to do something saved him despite his small size. The rest of the dwarves join the battle and in the end won. To wrap it up, the movie was filled with a lot of adventure, a lot of talking but at the same time less walking. Although I have to admit that the dwarves were unrecognizable except for some key characters, the movie still wasn't that bad. I was disappointed to not see too much of Smaug but I guess Peter Jackson intends on showing more of him in the second movie. Seeing Gandalf, Saruman, Galadriel and Elrond reprise their roles was a delight to see. Unfortunately, I didn't even notice Frodo much. Gollum did well as usual but creepy nonetheless. Thorin was a convincing king and it would be nice to see the Hobbit, Bilbo, become more involved in the rest of the films.

The movie nearly had a three hour running time which I honestly did not notice much as I was enjoying myself. Immersed in a world of fantasy, I yearned for more. As the first movie ended, I found myself imagining a world of possibilities for the next one. Although the world would have to wait for December 2013 to actually see the next movie, I am hoping that I will be able to follow this trilogy once again. Looking forward to see Legolas and more of the Mirkwood elves in the second and last installment of the films. I am hoping that the other two wizards will be introduced as well since Radagast was already brought to the fore. I am still uncertain as to what the next movies will be like but I am keeping my fingers crossed for the best.

Although most of the sceneries that were used were common especially after seeing the LOTR trilogy, somehow, I still find myself wanting to go there. Rivendell might not look as fascinating as it was a decade ago but still the elves never fail to take my breath away. Over all, the movie had its good moments which I think deserves praise. Kudos to all the people who made the movie possible.
Definitely another Peter Jackson masterpiece.

 Since the dwarves were somewhat unrecognizable, here's a guide for you. In the middle is their King, King Thorin Oakenshield. Just check out the names of the rest.
 Here is a still from the film where Gandalf The Grey speaks with Radagast The Brown. If you thought Gandalf was strange then check out this guy.
 Ah, the elves of the lore. Why do they always have to so perfect? I swear I would probably have to shield my eyes in the next movies especially if Thranduil and Legolas will be sharing screen time.
 The controversial scene between Galadriel and Gandalf. Are they romantically involved? I don't believe so. Remember Galadriel is married to Celeborn. By the way, Gandalf isn't really an old man. The same goes for the other wizards of Middle Earth. They only have that visage so that men would trust them. They age slowly and like elves, they are supposed to look young but then again, they needed to trade off their gorgeous, young looks to become more trustworthy and to appear wiser. As with age comes more wisdom. Looks can be deceiving it seems. Go figure!
Lastly, the very much expected Riddles In The Dark. The showdown between Gollum and Bilbo Baggins. I still can't forget how Gollum looked like as he asked Bilbo: "What has it gots in its' pockets?" Sheesh! He's one scary fellow indeed.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Movie Review: The Wedding Planner

I imagine all  women to want their weddings to be perfect just like that of the fairy tales that they have read growing up but not all women, believe it or not, end up having the weddings that they want to have. I do not need to further explain why as there are so many reasons as to why they never come true. I imagined my wedding to be much better than how it went but eventually settled for a simpler one instead. 

In the movie, The Wedding Planner, Jennifer Lopez plays the role of Maria,  a wedding planner who is devoted to  his career and who knows how to make the dreams of women about their wedding day come true. Everybody thought that she lives a romantic life but in reality, she is alone without a partner and without a love life to boast about. Like many women, she dreams to find Mr. Right but after her soon to be husband ditched her for her friend, she decided to become cautious in loving another. Meanwhile as she walks on her way to work while talking on her phone, she  met an accident and who comes to her rescue? None other than Dr. Steve Edison, played by Matthew McConaughey. She ends up being taken to the hospital and she ends up spending time with him at the park that night. They danced  as they watched an old movie but before they were able to kiss each other, they were interrupted by an untimely rain shower. After showing up blissfully happy the next day, her friends speculated of her finding someone that she likes. She gloated at that fact and she was happy to finally have found him. Unfortunately, her happiness was cut short as she later finds out that the man that she likes is actually engaged to be married to Fran Donolly played by Bridgette Wilson-Sampras and to make matters worse, she is her biggest client and that only means she needs to plan their wedding. Maria felt betrayed and was angry at Steve for deceiving her but soon realized that she needed to be professional about it so decided to brush her feelings aside. As she plans their wedding, things start to happen and she feels herself thinking of how she wants her life to end up. She doesn't want to end up being alone and yet she doesn't want to end up with the wrong person. Will she choose to love the man that she thought was Mr. Right or choose her childhood friend who wants nothing more from her but to give him a chance to love her? 

The movie got me thinking. Not because I am in the same situation as the lead actress in the movie but rather because I felt the question what if itching inside of me. What if I did not marry Mr. Right? What if my marriage turns out badly? What if I was meant to meet another and live a different life? Fortunately, I was sensible  to think things  through. First of all, I have made myself believe that there is no such thing as Mr. Right and that we only make one up in our heads because we want that person to be with us forever. Something like an imaginary friend, if you ask me. Second of all, we will never know what will happen in the future no matter how hard we try. In order to do so, we must take a giant leap of faith and hope for the best after that. Jennifer and  Matthew had very good chemistry in the film and although some parts of the film were rather impossible, somehow I felt like it wasn't bad to dream. The film had its funny moments and it also showed us a valuable lesson that love conquers all. Would I recommend this film to anyone? Sure, I would. I think its worth watching especially for those hopeless romantic people out there like me.
The Movie Poster

Movie Review: What's Your Number?

Sure, marrying a jobless musician that looks like Chris Evans isn't so bad but in real life  its not like that's ever going to happen or is it  even ideal. In the romantic movie called "What's your number?", Anna Faris who stars as Ally Darling, a lovable but confused girl in the film that shows her quest of finding Mr. Right without having to deal with her growing list of men that she has slept with. Meanwhile, Colin Shea played by Chris Evans lives in the apartment across hers' who unlike her relishes in the fact that he has bedded almost every single lady that he has ever met. Together, Ally realizes that she could use his services to hunt down all of her exes to see which one she can end up marrying without her adding more men to her list. He was hesitant at first but after telling him that she would help him dispose of all the women that he's slept with, he agreed to the deal. The movie wasn't exactly one of the best for Anna Faris and Chris Evans. I like Anna Faris' humor and her timing was great as well unfortunately, it didn't seem to mesh well with the movie itself. Due to the predictability of the movie, her humor suffered for it. As for Chris Evans, I have seen him in many movies, mostly he is depicted as a superhero or if not someone like an action star. This is probably the first time I have seen him in a different genre. Unfortunately, despite his good looks and good body, I cannot say much about his acting. He had his moments but most where not really that great. 

The concept of the movie about the common stereotypes that women have to endure does make sense though. In our world, people see men and women differently in all levels. Like when men have multiple  partners, people see it as only normal as  men are said to be polygamous while women on the other hand who end up being sexually active are immediately being considered as sluts. Why is that? I am not defending the women who have slept with several dozen men here, I am just speaking for them since I am a woman too. Shouldn't women be treated equally as men? As for the dreaded number and list, I don't really know if it matters to everyone but perhaps for people coming  from a conservative heritage then it does. People in the west are known to be more liberated than their eastern counterparts but that doesn't mean that the people from where I come from follow that. I think that what matters is the fact that you and your partner both love and respect each other no matter what. An individual can never and should never be judged based on his/her past. That's just bias and no matter how you put it, it will still end up prejudiced. Ally Darling wanted her prince charming, sure but she was not a conventional princess to begin with. People might have thought of her as a tramp but that doesn't mean that she wasn't a good person and that she didn't deserve to find happiness in her true love. I guess the only lesson I learned from this movie is that no matter how flawed you may be, you deserve to find the true happiness that you seek, one way or another. Do I recommend this movie to everyone? Depends on your preference really. If you want to watch something predictable, a definite no brainer with a little bit of adult humor and language on the side and a slice of Chris Evans' hot body for dessert then I guess this movie is just right for you. 
The Movie Poster

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Movie Review: The Dilemma

If you saw your best friend's wife kissing another man and cheating on your best friend behind his back, what would you do? Will you confront her and tell her to tell him the truth or you will? or will you tell your friend about it and risk the chance that you might lose your friend afterwards? or just keep quiet about it and let them deal with their marriage life on their own? It is a touch situation to be in. Not to mention an awkward one as well. I don't think I will know the answer to this one not unless it actually happens to me. I might go for the first one or second one but ultimately, it isn't my place to be meddling in their lives. Unfortunately, I care too much.


The Dilemma is a 2011 comedy drama movie about two best friends and partners in an auto design firm, Ronny (played by Vince Vaughn) and Nick (played by Kevin James) who are pursuing a project to make their fim famous. Unfortunately in the process of doing so, some things happen along the way. Ronny who had been dating Beth (played by Jennifer Connely) is convinced by Nick's wife, Geneva (played by Winona Ryder) to propose to her if he truly loved her. Nick tells him to do so as well. So while in the middle of doing their project, he realizes he should do so. He then goes to the botanical gardens to have the proposal there but while arranging things with the one in charge, he sees Geneva with another man named Zip (played by Channing Tatum) and they start kissing. He hides under the plants that he didn't know were poisonous, the person in charge finds him and throws him out of the place. He goes home with an allergic reaction and a huge amount of cash in his pants. When he gets home, after being treated, Beth asks him about what happened and he invents a story about helping fat kids get their ball.

The next day, he decides to tell Nick about it but when Nick yells at him because he was under pressure, he decides to back off. Nick later apologizes and decided that if Ronny wanted a talk then they should have it right there and then. Unfortunately, before he could say something, Geneva and Beth arrive. They both offer to celebrate for the night. They go to a hockey game after that with Ronny observing Geneva closely. When she goes for some beer, he follows her and confronts her in the process. She tries to explain and then accuses Nick of no longer sleeping with her and instead just getting his massages every Thursday to some Vietnamese lady. She promises never to see Zip again and that she will tell Nick immediately after their project is done. Back at work, Nick asks about his proposal to Beth. Ronny decides to probe him about getting a message but he immediately responds that he doesn't know anything about it. So, that night, he followed Nick. Seeing him in the massage parlor only confirmed his fears. He then calls Geneva to apologize but when he hears her with Zip, he immediately gets angry. She asks if they could meet at a nearby diner where she tells him that if he told Nick about her affair with another man, she would simply deny it and then tell Nick that she and him had a fling back in college which meant he had slept with her and that he still hits on her sometimes. She leaves him telling him to stay away from their marriage, leaving Ronny in a tough situation.

The next morning, he receives a call for Beth but the caller hangs up. He finds out afterwards that the number was from a famous restaurant in Vegas. He later gets a call from Susan (played by Queen Latifah), who gave him a tip about their project. Now, they need to rush production in just a couple of days. Despite being pressured at work, he was still determined to get evidence of Geneva cheating on Nick so he decided to buy a camera, follow them around and take photos. He sneaked into Zip's home and after Geneva left, as he was about to sneak out of his home, Zip attacks him. He fights back, breaking his aquarium and killing his fish. In the process, he leaves his camera behind. Zip comes after him with a bat and starts hitting his collector's item car. He then reveals to him that he is the bestfriend of the husband of the woman that he was caught cheating with. Meanwhile, that night was also Beth's parents' 40th wedding anniversary. He was late for it and looked terrible when he got there. He lied to her again saying that he was in a bar fight before heading at the restaurant. After a very weird toast that he dedicates to Beth's parents about honesty, Beth confronts him in the kitchen and he still divulges nothing to her. Ronny confronts her about lying to him about the Vegas deal. She said she didn't accept it and that she was planning to tell him on the right time. By now, Nick and Beth have become suspicious of his actions and are concerned that he might have gotten back to his gambling days.

The next day, Ronny goes back to Zip's house as he realizes he has left his camera there. Zip threatens to shoot him in broad daylight. He makes peace with him and he wants him to pay for the damages. Using the money on his pocket, he hands it to him in exchange for his camera. Unknown to him, Nick followed him there and when he left, he talked to Zip who made a false story about him. When he gets home, he sees Beth, Nick, Geneva, his sister, his husband and his gambling sponsor waiting for him. It was as if they were going to give him an intervention. Zip later on arrived at the doorstep without Nick knowing that he is actually the man that his wife has been cheating with. When things got uncomfortable, Ronny said the truth to Nick but realized that the photos he had on his camera were already deleted  by Zip. Angered by this, he punches Zip which makes him leave. Ronny, no longer with evidence to prove his claim, starts telling him the truth and even tells him about the fling that he and Geneva had in college. Surprisingly as Geneva was being put on the spot, she could no longer deny it and admitted everything. Nick gets angry and leaves, leaving everybody shaken and speechless. The morning after that, Ronny heads out to buy some food. As he gets home, he puts the paper bag on the table and as he and Beth were speaking to each other, she opens the bag only to reveal the engagement ring inside it. He proposed to her and she said yes. Finally, the day of the big presentation happens but before it did, Ronny and Nick needed to survive being with each other first. Ronny wanting to patch things up with his friend, did not expect Nick to punch him. He hit him again which the executives saw. They eventually settled their differences but agreeing that no matter how awkward the situation is and how bad the timing is, it is better to say it immediately that to wait. They then did their presentation and got the deal. The ending is when Ronny, Nick and Beth go to another hockey game together and Nick decides to try to shoot the puck inside the hole to win two free tickets to a major game. As he was about to shoot for the third time, Ronny gives him a pep talk which makes him win and they both celebrate in the ice showing that no matter what their friendship is as strong as it used to be.

The movie had its moments. There were funny bits and touchy bits. I liked how they showed what it was like to be in such a situation and as I continued to watch the film, I couldn't help but get caught up with all the emotions they were all feeling in it. The tension just kept on building and building until the climax. I hated Channing Tatum in this movie because he played the role of the other man so convincingly but most of all I hated Winona Ryder for her role as Geneva. I never knew some people could be so cunning but then again, it was predictable at some point. I knew that she would immediately resort to blackmail. I felt for Ronny in this film as I knew it must have been really difficult for him to see his bestfriend's wife cheat on him and not be sorry for it. I would have done the same things that he did but unfortunately, he did risk his own personal life in the process. He was a selfless friend and he valued Nick as his friend. He didn't want to lose his friendship and I guess he just wanted the best for him. There was only one thing that was left hanging towards the end of the movie. What the heck happened to Geneva? Sure, we can suppose that she and Nick are getting a divorce after everything that had happened but then again there wasn't any closure in the film. I can't say that this movie was one of the best I have ever seen but I don't think it is a bad one either. I did learn something from it anyway. Some of the jokes were bad I agree and it did have its boring parts but I guess it just wasn't what I expected from combining two good comedy heavy hitters in one film. So what about you? If you were in Ronny's shoes what would you have done for Nick? You decide.
Honesty you can't run away from it because the truth will always find you. ~Ronny~
The trailer of the movie

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Movie Review: Shotgun Love

What will you do if you found out that your wife was pregnant with another man's child? Would you forgive her for fooling you and raise the child as your own? or Will you despise her and leave her to her own devices? In this new Korean movie I watched, Sang Yeol (played by Im Chang Jeong) is a TV talent who has a huge crush on Seo Yeon (played by Kim Gyoo Ri) who is also a TV talent and a lingerie model as well. He likes her and fantasizes about her being his wife someday without him knowing that she is actually dating a TV director named, PD Park (played by Kim Tae Hoon). Things start to become more complicated when she finds out that she is pregnant with the director's kid and that it was her one and only chance to have a baby due to her rare condition. Unfrotunately when she tells him about it, he becomes angry and turns on her. He forces her to get an abortion or threatens to leave her. Being a strong willed woman, she doesn't want to lose her only chance of having a baby so she walks away from him and quits her job in the TV station where they both work. That night, she calls Sang Yeol and drinks with him. The next day, he wakes up in a motel naked and in bed. He freaks out and becomes happy when he finds out that he actually came there with a woman. He then remembered that he was with Seo Yeon. He assumed that they have slept together and was proud of himself. Unfortunately for him, he never saw her at work the next day which got him worried. 


Sang Yeol decides to constantly call her to ask about what had happened that night but Seo Yeon keeps on denying that anything ever happened to the both of them. Meanwhile, Seo Yeon and her friend, Myeong Sook (played by Lee Ah Rin) start talking about her dilemma and since she knows that it would be hard to be a single mother, she suggested to Seo Yeon to just get married to Sang Yeol instead. At first, she hated the idea but after knowing how pure his true intentions were to her, she decided to give in to the idea. They got married within a month of preparation and it wasn't long before her stomach got bigger. Sang Yeol was pleased to know that he had impregnated her with just one go. Little did he know that the baby wasn't his and that his wife had been lying to him the whole time. Seo Yeon never really liked him or loved him. She merely needed a father to the child growing in her womb. She knows that he would make a great father and a great husband so despite all the things that she felt for him, she decided to give him a chance. 

As her belly grew bigger, her cravings started to grow as well. She would request for things from him that he would at first be hesitant to do but in the end still do them. He'd get her something to eat in the middle of the night or even if there was a terrible storm outside. He'd cook for her to make her feel better and he'd do all the chores for her so that she won't feel so stressed and tired during her pregnancy. After realizing that they haven't made love since before they were married, Sang Yeol kept on attempting to sleep with Seo Yeon again however she always dismisses him by telling him that she wasn't in the mood or that she was tired. She even pointed out that her pregnancy was a difficult one and that they should be careful with it. Respecting her wants, Sang Yeol backs down. Frustrated with his wife, he goes drinking with his long time friend, Myung Boo (played by Park Min Hwan). After getting hammered, they decide to check into a motel for the night. When Sang Yeol wakes up the next day, he finds himself naked in a motel room with an also naked Myung Boo. He was crying in the corner and then to his horror, they both think that they have done it. Feeling guilty, he immediately gets dressed and goes home. He says sorry to his wife for drinking too much and for sleeping in a motel without telling her about what really happened to him and his friend.

Myung Boo wasn't too drunk to remember. He knew nothing really happened between him and Sang Yeol but he had feelings for him and started to blackmail him. He showed him an evidence of the underwear that he wore that night. It had a yellow stain on it. Knowing that Sang Yeol was dumb enough to fall for his trick, he tells him to repay him from the heart. Sang Yeol agrees and from then on starts doing all the chores in Myung Boo's home. That night, Seo Yeon called Sang Yeol but accidentally invited over Myung Boo as well. They had an awkward dinner together. It became even more awkward when Myung Boo started drinking. He was supposed to sleep in the couch afterwards but crept inside the couple's room which woke them up. He eventually told them that he had a back problem and needed to sleep in the bed. Seo Yeon immediately offered to stay in the couch that night. Having no control over the situation, Sang Yeol agrees which meant he had to sleep in the room with Myung Boo. Sleeping in the couch made her uncomfortable. She sat up and couldn't sleep at all. It was then when she found a journal that Sang Yeol made for their unborn son which they intend to call Bok Ddang. It contained photos of them and nice things that he would like his son to know when he was born. It made Seo Yeon smile and cry at the same time.

The next day, she realized that she should do her role as his wife so she starts doing chores and starts learning how to cook. She wanted to impress him and to repay all his love and kindness. She hated to admit it but she was slowly liking him. Sang Yeol on the other hand has been more hard working than ever. The TV director noticed it and was angered when he found out that the baby that his ex girlfriend was carrying was a son. He knew it was his son. Now, he wanted to get her back and to have his son with him. That night, he invited Sang Yeol to go drinking with him and it was then when he confessed of Seo Yeon's secret. Sang Yeol was crushed. The next day, he went home and gave an outrageous reason to Seo Yeon then told her that he wanted to get a divorce. He left the house that day and was never heard of again. Having no choice or say on the matter, Seo Yeon waits but he never comes back. PD Park, knowing what had happened, pretended to care for her and offered her to live in one of his apartments. She agrees but later on upon visiting the studio, finds out that he is actually engaged to be married soon to the daughter of the owner of the TV station. Disappointed and angry, she heads back to the apartment and starts packing her things. He catches her and they end up being in a fight. He admits to have told Sang Yeol the truth which is why he wants to get a divorce. Because of his frustration, he pushes her hard and she immediately hits her stomach on the floor. He leaves her there without realizing that she was seriously hurt.

Meanwhile, Sang Yeol goes to Myung Boo's house and finds him in an awkward situation. He was cooking in an odd Elvis outfit and there was a naked man wrapped in a towel who just came out of the shower. It was then revealed that they were lovers. Sang Yeol crashes there for the night and tells them about his problem. The next day as they were on their way to a costume party, Seo Yeon calls Sang Yeol. He ignores the call and she decides to call Myung Boo. His jealous lover decides to answer the phone and immediately they found out she was badly hurt. Hurrying to her aid, they find her on the floor with a pool of blood, he immediately carries her to the car and Myung Boo immediately steps on it, leaving his jealous lover in the apartment. They rush to the nearby hospital where Seo Yeon immediately gets treatment. As she gets an operation in the emergency room, Sang Yeol rushes to the studio and assaults PD Park without him knowing it. He beats him up and then he returns to his wife who was said to have lost a lot of blood and is needed to be under observation for the night. He then sees his child for the first time which ended up being a daughter and not a son. The scene moves forward to a year after to Bok Ddang's first birthday party. Seo Yeon survived the operation and was now alive and well. Everybody was rejoicing but as their daughter was supposed to pick something that would determine what she will be in the future, she starts screaming. Later on, it was revealed that she was pregnant again with their second child and that her due date was the same as her first.

The movie was a good romantic comedy movie but do not be fooled by all the funny moments as there were many heartwarming moments too. For me, I think this situation is very touchy in real life but in this movie, they were able to show that sometimes things happen for a reason and sometimes you just have to make a choice, to either deal with it or ignore it. In their case, they dealt with it and decided to just live normally as they should be. I cannot say that Seo Yeon was a bad person. Maybe she was at first for fooling Sang Yeol but she fell for him in the end so I guess it was a happy ending waiting to happen. I am glad that they showed how difficult it was to become a single mother in Korea since it is one of the growing issues out there due to the growing number of divorced couples. The movie was enjoyable to watch. It also showed that outer appearance doesn't always match what is inside. Like the director in the movie, who had good looks and charm but ended up being a playboy and an asshole. Seo Yeon made the right choice. If I was in her shoes, I would have done the same. I would rather be with a man who is a nerd but will love and care for me genuinely than a hunk who will just cheat on me and not treat me right. Over all, the movie was an unexpected hit for me. The lead guy, Sang Yeol, had his moments. He was able to convince me that everything that happened was real. The lead woman wasn't bad either. The dialogues delivered were funny as well. I also liked the wittiness that the eye-patch street stall man had. Darn! He was hilarious. I think all the characters just clicked and it was a good thing to watch to pass the time and still learn a good deal of something. I recommend it to anyone who likes light hearted romantic comedies. Now I know why this is one of Korea's latest comedy blockbuster movies. 
 Grammatical errors on the movie poster of this one. I believe it is supposed to be HIS STORY instead of HE'S STORY and HER STORY instead of SHE'S STORY...

Want to know what this movie is about? Here's a trailer with English subtitles. Enjoy!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Series Review: MTV's Teen Wolf

MTV's Teen Wolf is a remake from the original movie of the same title where Michael J. Fox played a teenager name Scott Howard who eventually gets bitten by a wolf and in the end turns into one but do not be fooled. This remake has a story line that is very different from the original. They might have used the same name of the series and some names of the characters as well but this series is somehow darker than the film. But before I give out my actual review for the series, I think it would be better to give out a brief overview of the series first itself. 
The show's poster for Season 1

The series starts with a teenager named Scott McCall along with his friend, Stiles Stilinski taking an adventure in the woods in search for a woman's missing corpse. Stiles' father is the head of the police department in their city and it has become a habit of his to listen in on his calls. That night, they went to the woods unprepared, not knowing what they would find in the end. Eventually, Stiles gets caught by his father snooping around and is taken back to his jeep. Scott on the other hand gets left behind. He bravely treks in the woods all alone on a full moon. EVentually, a group of deer start jumping from behind him, making him startled. Caught off guard, something starts to pursue him. It was dark and he didn't know what it was. He ran as fast as he could, dropping his nebulizer on the ground. As he tries to find it, he get bitten by a beast on his torso but he was able to escape. That night, he cleaned his wound and went to bed. The next day, he finds out that his wound has completely healed. It a strange feeling and he felt even stranger when he noticed some changes in him. His life began to change after that as he realized he was turning into a werewolf. As the changes in him continued to make his life stranger, he decided to just go on living a normal teenage life while hiding the fact of what he truly is. With the help of his best friend, Stiles and another mysterious werewolf named Derek Hale, who later becomes his mentor.


Let's talk about the cast of the show. The main star of the show is the teen werewolf named Scott McCall who is played by Tyler Posey. He was bitten by the said alpha which they will continuously keep on tracking until the end of the first season. He will soon find it difficult to choose between what is keeping him human and what makes him an animal.
See the difference?

Second in line is another member of the pack named Derek Hale, who is played by Tyler Hoechlin. He is a mysterious werewolf who is always alone, watching Scott and protecting him. Later on, he becomes his mentor in controlling his beastly self. He is a wolf with a past in the series, you will realize that there is more to know about him and his lineage.
He looks a bit like Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson doesn't he?

Then there's Stiles Stilinski who is played by Dylan O'Brien. He is Scott's bestfriend and is usually the brains in every operation. He found out what Scott was after researching about werewolves on the internet. He eventually helped Scott keep the secret from those around them and even helped him control his anger which would obviously trigger his wolf form to arise.
 Every superhero needs a trusty sidekick. Why can't a werewolf have on too?

Enter his love interest named Allison Argent who is played by Crystal Reed. She is his weakness and she doesn't know about the beast within him. He tries to have a healthy and normal relationship with her throughout the show. She is one of the nicest girls in school. Later on in the show, she is revealed to be from a family of werewolf killers. She is good with archery just like her father.
Take that, Bella!

For every teen movie or show, there will always be a jock. In this case, he is Jackson Whittmore, who is played by Colton Haynes. He starts of with a big hatred in his heart for Scott but as the series progressed, they somehow became frenemies. He is an arrogant who only cares about himself.
You will hate this guy at first but eventually, he will warm up to you somehow.

Last but not least is Lydia Martin, the smart but snotty popular girl in the show, who happens to be Jackson's girlfriend. She is played by Holland Roden. Later in the show, she will become Jackson's ex and Stiles will reveal to her that he has liked him ever since third grade. They will eventually go out because of that revelation.
She can be a bit pushy, bitchy and annoying but deep inside she is somebody else. Do not be fooled by cold exterior.

The show wasn't similar to Twilight as I expected it to be at first especially after I saw the poster for the series and the cast. I am glad to say that even if it did veer away from the original concept and storyline of the 1985 Michael J. Fox film, it still was worth watching. There were so many twists and turns in the plot that the mystery just kept on getting deeper and deeper. The series got me hooked upto the last episode since there were so many things going on. All the characters had a role to play and somehow the writers were able to connect every last person to each other. The finale of the season was gripping and shocking at the same time. As they have killed the alpha, another emerged. So many people got hurt, some were killed. Some never remained human, some thought they should. The cast was good and so was the soundtrack. Somehow I am glad that they did not stick with the regular formula of love triangles in these kinds of shows or movies. I was glad that they focused more on the wolf side of the story than in anything else. So, kudos to those who made the show possible. 

Why do I like werewolves? Wow! That's a no brainer. Well, werewolves are basically humans who turn into wolf like animals. Although depictions of werewolves have changed through time, it still does not change the fact that they are primal beasts who act like savages on a full moon. Mostly werewolves in their human form are muscle bound men or in this case, muscle bound teens and tweens. I liek werewolves not merely because of their human exteriors but rather because of the thrill and the fear of being one or perhaps even being hunted by one. Would I recommend this show to anymore? Of course, I would. I heard that this show has been renewed for its second season and I am hoping that the next season will be better than the first. It was hard to expect anything much from a remake however, they were able to give justice to this one. Was Tyler Posey an effective teen wolf? Yes, he was but in the next season, I hope that they can bring more wolves into play. That way we would really see more tension and more action between Scott's human life and his wolfy life. 

Series Review: The Nine Lives Of Chloe King

If you had nine lives what would you do with them? Honestly, I don't really know. Just the mere idea of having other lives is already absurd to me but then again in the world of fiction and imagination, anything and everything is possible. I am a big fan of cats as well as Egyptian History and Mythology so series pretty much got me interested in it because of those two things. But before reviewing the said series, I think it would be better to start off with a little information about this new series that ABC network just offered this year. The drama is based on the book series of the same name written by Liz Braswell.

In the first episode of The 9 Lives of Chloe King, It was almost her birthday and she was looking forward to celebrating it with her friends and her single mother just like every year but somehow after her birthday she realizes that she is somewhat different. At first, she thought it was merely a growth spurt and that every teenager has it but after realizing that she has started to develop heightened abilities and senses, she now believes she is turning into something else. She is turning into something not human. That is when she also realized that someone is trying to find her and eventually kill her.

Chloe soon learns that she is a part of an ancient race called the Mai. She and her kind are the sons and daughters of the Egyptian Cat Goddess, Baset. However they aren't the only one of their kind out there. There are also others who are offsprings of the other gods. Aside from that there is also an organization of humans trying to wipe all of their race and the others as well called The Order. They have dedicated their lives to slaughter anything and everything that is of their kind. The Mai's only hope is her, The Uniter, as she is called might be the only key and the only hope for their ultimate survival.

The Season 1 Poster for the said series.


First of all, let's talk about the cast. The series stars Skyler Samuels as Chloe King, The Destined Uniter of the Mai race. Well being The Uniter is a burden for her and for the people around her but basically aside from her super powers, she is also blessed with having nine lives like a cat. Not all Mai have this kind of ability. Only The Uniter has it and they believe that for every life that she has comes a death that will always be far more worse than the other.
Skyler Samuels as Chloe King

Chloe was born in Ukraine and was adopted by her human parents. Her father ended up leaving the family when she was still very young, leaving her alone with her mother, where she single handedly had to raise her. The role of her mother is being played by Amy Pietz.
Amy Pietz as Meredith King

As for her human friends, She has a best friend named Amy who is played by Grace Phipps who is the girlfriend of Chloe's other best friend named Paul, played by Ki Hong Lee. They know her secret of being a Mai and together they go on adventures with her, hiding her secret from those that shouldn't know about it, including Chloe's human mother.
Chloe's best friends are the lovers: Ki Hong Lee as Paul and Grace Phipps as Amy

Then there's Brian, played by Grey Damon. He is Chloe's friend and lover however is also the son of the man who is trying to kill her and the rest of her race. Chloe and him start a complicated relationship as she finds out that she can never be intimate with someone who is not Mai as even just a single kiss from her can kill him.
Chloe's human love interest: Brian Rezza played by Grey Damon

Enter the Mais...The leader of the Mai is a woman called Valentina who is played by Alicia Coppola. She is a strong and fearful leader, who has lead the Mai in San Francisco successfully. She believes that Chloe is The Uniter and that being one will only jeopardized the lives of those around her. Knowing this first hand, she advised Chloe to leave behind her old life with the humans that she loved and start a new one with those of her kind.
Valentina played by Alicia Coppola. The cold, fearless and bad ass leader of the Mais.

Jasmine is another Mai warrior played by Alyssa Diaz. She is the only daughter of the strict Mai leader, Valentina. She grew up with her mother never showing her love and care instead showing her discipline and training. She yearns for her mother's approval and does everything that she is told simply because she wants her mother to acknowledge her one day. She is fated to be the leader of the Mais in San Francisco when Valentina renounces her right to power.
Jasmine played by Alyssa Diaz is her mentor, her friend and one of her protectors.

Lastly, another one of Chloe's love interests in the series, is another Mai warrior named Alek, played by Benjamin Stone. Like Chloe, he is also an orphan whose parents were said to have been killed by The Order. She lives with Jasmine and Valentina as he has been adopted in their family to be treated as one of their own. He eventually falls in love with Chloe but realizes he has to compete with a human for her affection.
Her Mai love interest, Alek played by Benjamin Stone

The cast had new faces and they all acted their roles well. I loved the fact that there were so many things going on with the series that it was hard to tell how to solve each and every single one of them. However, I have to admit that towards the end of the series, I was left hanging. I didn't know what to expect for the next season but I was hopeful that somehow the next season would be as good as the first or perhaps even better. Unfortunately this series only boasts about 10 episodes in its first season and there have been rumors of it being cancelled or suspended for now as there might not be a slot for it under ABC. Knowing that it is an ABC original, I do not think they would agree to ever selling it to any other network. However, it would be nice to see another season for this series as there were still so many unsolved mysteries towards the end of the last episode. Over all, the series kept me interested. It had a fresh storyline with plenty of new faces. Being a fan for supernatural things, I think that this series was very original in a way that it can boast to be different among all the other supernatural themed series out there so far.

Would I recommend this series to anyone? Sure I would. Why? Mainly because it is enjoyable to watch and intriguing at the same time. The only thing I hate about anything that's marketed for teenagers is the part where a girl has to be torn between two lovers. Apparently, that part was included in this series too. There were times when I would watch an episode and be frustrated with Chloe afterwards. I wanted her to choose already as seeing all the three of them in the series was just painful and agonizing. At least in the end, somehow, she was able to choose but unfortunately it was a terrible choice. It was a mistake she would probably regret for the rest of her life. The season ender was a shocker and it only made me excited for the next season to arrive. I am hoping that they will consider renewing it soon. Kudos to the creator and to everybody who was involved in the series. Finally, a breath of fresh air. Definitely a must watch for people who like supernatural themed shows. It wasn't as dark as all the other ones I have seen before so most definitely it was something new for me.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Movie Review: Morning Glory

We all have dreams and hopes. Some of us fulfill our dreams while others stop and fail. How long must we wait and how long must we strive to make sure our dreams lead us to success? In the movie, Morning Glory, Rachel McAdams stars as Becky Fuller, an aspiring news producer who just got laid off from her job at Good Morning New Jersey. She decides to send out her resumes to different companies and ends up getting a call from a national network morning show called DayBreak, a program that is struggling with its ratings because it is competing with another more popular morning show called Today. She gets hired to be the executive producer and decides to fire a conceited co-host on her first day. They applaud her. Now, she needs a new co-host for Colleen Peck (Diane Keaton). So begins her life in DayBreak...


After screening many audition tapes, she decides to ask Mike Pomeroy (Harrison Ford), a veteran television journalist, if he would be interested to be the co-host of the show. Being under contract in the same network as DayBreak, despite his hesitance to work in the said show, he had to do it due to a clause that he has misread from his contract. He is left with no option but to do it or otherwise he would lose his monthly salary. As he begins his work there, Becky begins to date Adam (Patrick Wilson), also a producer in the same network. Hell begins for Becky at the same time as Mike continues to refuse everything that isn't related to serious, hard and heavy hitting news as he believes that in his contract, he is only allowed to deliver such kinds of news. Disappointed, she tries to do her best to make ends meet.

The tension between Colleen Peck and Mike Pomeroy seems evident on air and off air. As both of them continue to bicker and do not get along very well, their chemistry on air only makes the show unbearable to watch. As the ratings continue to drop, Becky is told that if the ratings of their show do not improve, it might end up being cancelled. Frustrated but didn't want to give up, she decides to change everything in the show. She improves the ratings as she persuades the weather man, Ernie, to do some stunts while doing the weather report. Colleen also expressed interest in her campaign and decided to do some interesting segments of her own. 

Unfortunately for Becky as the ratings of the show continue to go up, her love life seems to be going down hill. Adam feels like she is concentrating too much on her work and doesn't have time to be in a relationship. Mike tells her being a workaholic is one reason why he ended up with no life outside work. While on a staff meeting, Mike tells Becky that he is interested in doing a story which surprised her and her colleagues. Feeling the need to be supportive, she tags along Mike to where the location of the story is. She later on realizes that they are going somewhere else. Mike ends up going to a governor's house and decides to confront him about his racketeeting. He then breaks the story of his arrest on television which boosts the ratings up once more.

Due to the show's popularity, Becky receives a job interview from Today. At first she didn't want to go but after being treated badly by Mike once more, she decided to go. While on the interview, DayBreak was on. While on break, Colleen tells Mike about Becky and the interview, panicking, he decides to go to the kitchen to cook in front of the camera. Surprised by what she saw, Becky cancelled her interview and went back to DayBreak only to see Mike's form of apology. She smiles as now she knows that Mike will finally no longer be a liability to the team but rather an asset. His new image has paid off in the end as more and more people watch the show, more and more people find his new persona appealing. Finally the shows continues to become successful and Becky fulfills her dreams. She even gets Adam in the end. 

I loved the movie because it was funny and heartwarming at the same time. I loved the cast as they all made the movie possible. Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford had chemistry in this movie and Rachel McAdams looked convincing as a workaholic executive producer of a morning show. I never knew how much effort people behind the camera put in order to create an interesting morning show but now I do. I admire Becky in the movie for no matter how hard and depressing things got, she still did her best to dust herself off and try again. In the end, everything paid off. Would I recommend this movie to anyone? Yes, I would. Why? Because it was an interesting movie with a good plot, wonderful dialogue and most of all colorful characters. What more can you ask for?

Watch the trailer of the movie to know more about this movie...

Can A Man & Woman Really Just Be Friends? - A Friends With Benefits Review

I can definitely answer yes however when can never deny that men and women are different which is why the chances of being attracted to each other is pretty high. But it is hard to generalize since not all women who have men as their friends end up being their lovers and vice versa. The movie stars Mila Kunis as Jamie and Justin Timberlake as Dylan, both newly single and are both tired of the same stories, movies, experiences and sitcoms related to sex and relationships. Jamie is an executive recruiter for a leading job agency in New York while Dylan works as an art director for a small internet company in Los Angeles. Their worlds collide as Dylan comes to New York because Jamie needed to recruit him for a job in GQ Magazine. At first, he feels hesitant to take the job as he doesn't want to leave everything behind and start over but he reconsiders as Jamie decides to spend her evening with him while taking him around the city as if to coax him to liking the idea of living and working there.


As Dylan accepts the job and moves into the city, he realizes that he doesn't have any friends there yet but when he remembers Jamie, he immediately develops a friendship with her. One night while hanging out at her place while they were both watching a romantic comedy, they get to the topic of sex and relationships. They both come to a conclusion that sex is just sex and should not come with any emotional attachments whatsoever. Both feeling the need to have a physical connection, they agree to do the deed without being emotionally connected or without commitment involved. After a couple of trysts together, Jamie realizes that it wasn't what she wanted and that she wants to date again instead. She informs Dylan about it who immediately agrees to her idea and they both decide to stop but to still remain friends.

Jamie meets a guy named Parker and they start dating. After some dates, Parker leaves her and tells her that he wasn't looking for anything more. Jamie was furious and decides to just break it off with him. She immediately informs Dylan about what happened. With the hopes that he would be able to cheer her up and forget about what happened, he invites her to join him on a trip to California to meet his family and celebrate the 4th July together. She was hesitant at first but then agrees to go with him. Arriving in California, she meets Dylan's older sister, his father and as well as his nephew. While in California, they start to get closer as their emotional feelings for each other begin to form. They kiss passionately and spend a night of intimacy together like never before. Unfortunately, the next day, Jamie overhears Dylan talking to his sister, Annie about them. Dylan denies that there is anything going on between them and that they are just friends. She feels hurt and immediately flies back to New York that afternoon. A few days later, Dylan goes back to New York with high hopes that he can reconcile with her. He finds her and confronts her as to why she has been avoiding him. Jamie tells him the truth and tells him that she doesn't want to be in any kind of friendship with him anymore. 

A couple of days after that, Jamie finds out that Dylan may be leaving his job in GQ Magazine. She doesn't want him to leave soon as he has signed a contract and if not honored within the year, it will affect her commission. She rushes to him to convince him to stay but in the end, they just get into another spat. After not seeing each other and trying to do some alone time with their loved ones, they both realize that maybe there was something between them and they just never got the chance to admit them or say them to each other. After a meal with Dylan's father, he realizes how he truly feels for Jamie so he goes after her. He calls Jamie's mother to make up an excuse to get her to the Grand Central Station. Thinking that she will be meeting up with her mom there, she arrives to see a dancing mob. Dylan then finally catches up with her and tells her how he truly feels. She feels surprised and after sharing a kiss, they decide to finally have their first official date together.

I guess sometimes you don't need to look for the person that is destined for you because sometimes that person is just near you. You just never expected that would be God's answer to your prayers or perhaps you just keep on denying it. Relationships are complicated. They are never easy. Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of this movie, I just thought that the lesson that we could learn from it was simple but made sense. When you have something to say, say it before the moment passes you by for tomorrow might never come and what you had to say might never be said after all. What happens next after that? Will you be spending your days in regret and continue living in the part or will you just continue moving on and live a life that is still shadowed by the memory of what could have been? We all make choices in life. Some make good ones and others bad. This movie showed me the reality of what if there is no tomorrow and what we have is only now?

This movie also taught me about the reality of relationships these days. I guess not all relationships are conventional anymore. Unfortunately, I do not like this sudden change in modern relationships. What ever happened to courtship, wooing and romance? What ever happened to love-hate relationships or even tragic or bitter endings? If I could choose a relationship, I would choose something not like this. I do not want to have a friend just because I want to benefit from him or her, I would like to rather have a friend or a partner who will always be there. (Whether I would benefit from him or her all the time) Relationships are messy and so are friendships however that doesn't mean that everybody who is fed up with such experiences would resort to looking for friends with benefits instead. It's just not right. I guess one of the other things that I liked in this movie is the real chemistry that Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake had. Would I recommend this movie to anyone? No, I guess not. 

What ever happened to making love with the person that is special to you? This movie totally ruined that concept. I believe that having sex without emotions or love is lust and that it definitely removes how special the moment is. I thought that should only happen to two people who are in love? Tsk tsk! No wonder kids these days think that it is okay to do it just with anybody they want and that having friends with benefits is cool. I pity them for thinking that way...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Movie Review: Splice

I saw this movie today out of curiousity and now I know why I shouldn't continue with being curious all the time. Why? Because sometimes curiousity can be deadly. Just a reminder though, this movie should not be watched under any circumstances by pregnant women. It's too disturbing for comfort. It will just make you think about: What if my child turned out different...splice different that is? 


In the 2009 film, Genetic Engineers Clive Nicoli (Adrien Brody) and Elsa Kast (Sarah Polley) wanted to achieve fame and fortune by successfully splicing together the DNA of different animals to create new hybrid animals for medical purposes. After being successful in creating a female of the said species, they decide to create a male version and introduced it to her. When both species first met, they started the imprinting and became a pair. The results of the experiment was extraordinary but the pharmaceutical company that funds their research, N.E.R.D. (Nucleic Exchange Research and Development), decided that the research needs to produce more things that are profitable or have a potential to be profitable which is why they have decided to shut down the lab and just rebuild it instead. Knowing that it would mean sacrificing everything that they have done, Clive and Elsa decide to try and create something entirely different by blending human DNA with that of animals. At first they disagree to continue with the project but eventually after killing the first one, Clive makes a new one and decides to hide the experiment from everyone. The experiment grows and Elsa has become bonded with it. She decides to call it Dren instead of just being called a specimen. After moving her to the basement and she starts growing again, they decide to move her to Elsa's late mother's farm. Uknown to them, the experiments that they created before and failed ended up killing each other in a company meeting all because the female of the hybrids that they created changed its gender from female to male. Things get nasty between Elsa and Dren when she starts exhibiting violent behavior and things take a different turn when she sees her having sex with Clive. After the lovers have a heated argument, they decided to just terminate Dren but on their way back, they saw her dying. Then, she became alive again, only this time it has turned into a male. It killed several people, hurt Clive and then rapes Elsa. As Dren is raping Elsa, Clive attempts to kill Dren, but is killed in the process. Elsa then kills Dren. In the latter part of the movie, Elsa is seen being handed out with a huge amount of money only to keep her silent about everything and then someone asked her to continue the project to the next phase. Elsa stands up and is revealed to be pregnant. She looked like she agreed but the only thing she said was "What's the worst that could happen?"

It was a movie with an interesting twist. I never expected it would end that way but I never expected them to keep Dren either. If I were in their shoes, I would have killed it before it even grew into its full size. In this movie, curiousity didn't get the best of them but rather the worst of them. In the end, it killed them just like the cat in the expression. There are many lessons that needed to be learned in the said movie and I shall get to some of that later. The cast and the crew made the vibe of this film both creepy, disturbing and yet emotional at the same time. The human side in me wanted to just kill Dren right there and then but the woman in me wanted to keep it safe. It was a risk they shouldn't have taken though. I have seen way too many movies that had this kind of theme going on and yet this one left me disturbed and thinking at the same time. There are so many what ifs that someone like me can think of after watching this kind of film. The creation of Dren was believable. It looked like a human somehow but with some animal parts. It moved real as well so I think the visual effects team really did their jobs well. The movie provides very good thrilling moments. The music was enough to make you feel on edge. Dren was effective as a scary expirment gone wrong. It looked innocent but was deadly at the same time. I never knew it would end up being what it was until the movie ended. What I like the most about the movie is it's unpredictability. The twist was just mind blowing. Would I see this movie again in the future? Perhaps not. I don't want to feel this disturbed and be brooding again. Can I recommend it to people that I know who would love a little scare? Sure but I'd warn them before letting them watch the flick. I would tell them to clear their minds first and just let the movie go along without judging or thinking of anything just yet. I did that and so I ended up being messed up after watching the said flick. 

This movie reminded me of the old Species flicks except this is an original attempt to make an inspiring thriller, sci-fi and drama film that could probably spawn a second part. To be honest, Dren didn't look like it was safe to keep from the beginning. It's just too bad that sometimes scientists have to push boundaries and even try to create something that can be potentially harmful to everyone even to themselves. Science is Science. Sure, Scientists might not be able to come  up with new inventions if not for the risks that they take but this is a totally different thing. Right now, human cloning is still prohibited but that doesn't mean nobody has done it and nobody's going to dare and risk it. Scientists are mere mortals. We are men who are just simple creations of God. This movie triggered the ethical, moral and religious side in me. Sure, they might not have cloned a human being but they have instead altered it's DNA by splicing its genes and combining it with animal DNA. What could be so wrong with that? Well...EVERYTHING! The fact that you have created a new life unnaturally is already a sin in itself. Expirements are created in labs which is why they are abominations in my eyes. I'm sure people will tell me, what about test tube babies? or invitro fertilization? Are they abominations too? Honestly, I do not know but all I know is that when something is created by human hands it tends to become a double edged sword. Why? Because it humans are erratic and no matter how hard we try to be good, we can't. Somehow in a part of our lives, we were bad. We probably just didn't know it or just didn't want to remember it. We aren't made to create things that would rival those of the creators. We do not have the power to do so even if we always believed that we have. We must learn our place in this world and we must never tap into things that we shouldn't have tapped in the first place. There is always a reason as to why we do not know about such things. We should learn to do the right thing. Oh, well, I guess we humans just never learn...

She is no angel. She is a blood thirsty monster just waiting to have sex with you then devour your flesh. Yes, Dren is going to be in my nightmares for a little while. *shakes my head*